Tuesday, March 31

I'm in Love

no it's not with some new chocolate dessert or a movie or song. and no I'm not pulling a Dibsy where you scroll down and I say I'm kidding. Nope. It's true. I'm in love with a man and here's what happened.

My online crush (no nothing to do with my latest poll, cause I know what he looks like lol) is Moonwolf (blogger name). We've known each other geez idk months and months and usually talk almost daily (on gaia he's Drake Shot). AND before Sonic says it, he's been on gaia for years before I was. There's never been anything romantical between us.

Well this weekend we had a huge row and I was close to losing him as a friend. So was I the usual cool, calm and collected Cruz? Nope. I freaked the muff out! Like seriously! crying in rl, calling my friends, gmailing my bff (Girl who could fly) even poor Alter got a huge freaked out rant IN SPANISH of all things ... yeah I was a mess. So the fact that I was freakin out just freaked me out even more! O.o yesh I ish complicated.

I didn't like the effect he had on me, so I decided okay maybe we should just end this friendship, and that'll be end of that. And then came the pain. OH. MY. GAWD. the pain that came with the mere idea of never talking to him again. So light bulb moment right? I love him. Oh crap. why the hell did I fall for one of my best friends? and plus! he has a girlfriend! geez.

I've been on a rollercoaster of emotions all weekend let me tell you >.< color="#006600">I'll post more or something funny later when I have more time, just big news! so I did a quick post... kinda like when I got my tattoo lol =p anyway Storm! Balmung! Neko-chan! go see my pic on the previous post cause I'm gonna take it down once you guys seen it. ^^


Moonwolf said...

First of all....First Post!

Second, yes its me that she fell for.....and I'm....well, I feel like I'm floating......I've never been this happy before.....She is my heart now and so much more

Cruz said...

awww you're so sweet, I love you ^^

Anonymous said...

Well I am glad that worked out for you guys.

Levi said...

That's so great! I'm glad you two are happy. Best of luck with your relationship and all that.

Shadow said...


Glad things are working out.
Best of luck.

Gandalf said...

Will I ever understand humens?
By the way be for you did this did you calculat the odds of wether things can get weird and you never speek again?just wondering.

Gandalf said...

Sorry bout that...
hazza for you!And there is a VERY strange awnser as to WHY I asked that last question.just so you know I'm Not going insane.
(Due to the fact that I already am)

Nixx said...

aww, thats nice, cruz (in a non-sarcastic way). good luck with the relationship thing. usually im not all psyched out about this gooey mushy love crap, but hey, ur my friend, and im happy for u. i mean yeah, a lot of my real life friends have had relationships and stuff, and theyre always talking about love, but it gets freakin annoying cuz after like 2 weeks they break up with "the love of their life". jeez.

anyway, i read Max. it was waaaay better than the final warning.


Dibsy said...

Awwww...your relationship, is, at least, better than mine. :'( I've had that lightbulb feeling before, but unrequitedness sucks...

Aurora said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWZ x3! yayz! I would start singing the "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" song but Its too soon to do that now I might throw off the balance xD. have fun with da relationship stuffz :)! Alex and I were doing this spiritual thingy that I learned and we were trying to find our spiritual animals and I GOT A BEAVER O:< and then I tried again and got a Tiger and then I did it again and got another beaver O:. she got a deer and was like "it had antlers and was so awesome" so I called her a moose o-o. Lol xD! I am so evil >:) muahaha! Look up "Birthday Spiritual Animals" on google and then click the "native blah blah" thingy and it tells u what yours is for your birthday O:!! SO AWESOME! well I am gonna post on the blog about my super awesome experience xD so byeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! *SUPER HUGGLZ!*

~Aurora :)

Neko-chan said...

don't worry i (and storm) saw it!! (i took a pic of it on my phone and sent it to her. apparently cellphones have awesome reception on the moon)
i'm so happy for you!!!! you two are so cute!

will you give me relationship counseling? i'm in love with my nextdoor neighbor, whom i've known for five years (loved for 3) and he has a gf. oh, and my parents are trying to set me up with him while my friends are pairing me with at least 6 random guys everyday (none of whom have expressed any interest beyond the occasional conversation. and one of whom my friends SWEAR was flirting with me, though i saw/caught nothing).
and this is the first time i've actually told anyone...
and yes poem no1 was about him...

Technicolor Nail Polish said...

AW!!! CONGRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!! That means you get a cookie!-gives Cruz a cookie-

Cruz said...

okay in order

Anonymous (Luke my gaia bro): thanks for being there for me, you were also a victim of my freak-outed-ness rants lol *hugs*

Levi: Thanks ^^

Shads: lol nice audience =P

Gandalf: it scares the crap outta me to think of never speaking to him again and it won't get akward cause we might never break up lol and hazza lol I like that word "hazza" XD and yes you're completely certifiably insane

Nixx: thx for adding non-sarcastic , cause of course I thought you were I know how you feel about meeting people online >.< so thx for being so supportive and yeah we'll be together waaaayyyy longer than 2 weeks, we're making plans months in advance ^^ and screaming jealous! I want to read MR5! *sighs*

Dibsy: yay for lightbulbs! and oh noez unreq (insert rest of word ms.spelling bee pro) that's so sad *hugglz special and half a cookie*

Aurora: omg! that's cool I'll go checks it out >.<

Neko-chan: oh I dunno I'd say seduce him lol, but there's history there and family involved but isn't he a sr so he leaving soon? idk if you want to tell him I suggest do it quickly, OR!!! tell him today and if he doesn't feel the same tell him APRIL FOOL'S DAY! yeah do that lol aww lubs you both *hugglz both at same time*

Alex: thankies *munches other half of cookeh* XD

Love you Moonwolf! <3

Skye said...

I'm soooooooooooooooooooo happy for you Cruz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^


Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly


Dibsy said...

Hey hey hey!!! :D I tried the Birthday Spiritual Animal thingy and I'm...I'm...AN OTTER... Huuu...

Gandalf said...

Sorry, I ment BEFORE you told him you loved him.
Sorry I'm so inquisitive (If that's spellt wrong sorry.)

Being me I consiter every thing that can go wrong at that point in time.I'm an over thinker, I'm where you were 3 steeps back (or so)and scarred to death that I'f I say any thing I might lose a REALLY GREAT freind.I know. I'm scarring my self.Feelings are contamenateing me!
But you know what even Spock showed his feeling once.(He was bran whashed)

Beth said...

everybody has said this already, but i can't think of anything else to say except "awwwwww!" good luck to the two of you! *hugs* :)

Nathaniel said...

What a freaking post to come back too. Jesus christ Cruz, I did not expect that. Moonwolf, you are a lucky man.

On a side note, the same thing happened to me about a month ago. I'm head over heels in love with the new blogger Carls. Fortunetly, I get to meet her this easter, cause I'm going home! Finally meeting Carls is one of the scariest I have ever thought of doing. But it's also the thing I'm the most excited for.

Also, from experience, I can tell you that having a love you know from the internet is hard. On one hand, it's pretty much all messaging, and you really want to be with them, and two, people are assholes. I hear "It's a trap" all of the time. And nobody belives you, it's really stressful. One of the people who I used to consider more of a friend kept saying that the guy (my friend in rl/ Lt.John.) who introduced us is playing a trick on me. But belive me, when I'm on with Carls, I know that it was far more than worth it. She is my everything.

I rambled about my life, sorry. Hope you two are really happy together.

Sonic said...

ok so it all worked out in the end. Still Im curious what were you arguing about?

Alter Cosmos said...

Joking around. Glad for you Cruz.

~Alter Cosmos~
-In spanish........of all things......- lol

Moonwolf said...

please.....speak to me.....

Sonic said...

according to Nate I shouldn't say things like he's taking advantage of you like I did. There are people like that but I think your good to go.

Salom said...

yeah cruz your not going to like what i have to say...

but since you told me comment i'm just going to say it

cruz i find it very strange with the whole online dating thing. (no offense Moonwolf i'm sure you're a nice guy)

i just find it very strange that people would want to meet random people online who might not be who they say they are.

i'm simply stating it is not a good chance to take



Emerald said...

I'm so happy for you!
I only wish I could be with the one I love.
But enough about me.. I don't matter.
Good luck to you and your relationship!!!!

(: Emerald :D

Anonymous said...

uuuuuuhh ok

Cruz said...

I'll respond to the rest of comments tomorrow *hugglz all around* Cruz