Friday, October 31

Halloween Tips

Update: OK I'm feeling better, had a long talk with my mom last night, so I don't feel AS guilty. I'm still grounded, but if this is the biggest drama in my life... I guess I'm lucky. I'm trying to be optimistic. As for my "friends"... well... yeah I 'm still pissed at them. Anywho...

Here's A Few Halloween Tips
(for those of you that aren't grounded, for having a minor car accident with a pole)

1. If you knock on a door, and this man answers... DO NOT say Trick or Treat... Trust me, you will want neither.

2. GIRLS ONLY:If you are home alone, on Halloween night, your phone line is dead, your power just went out, and you hear a loud noise in the basement; before you goto investigate the noise please DON'T FORGET to change into your most revealing negligee (or just a bath towel wrapped around you) This is the customary outfit for this situation.
3. If you happen to come across the REAL devil tonight, please...please DO NOT ask him if he really wears Prada. This can result in unfavorable consequences.
4. If ANYONE runs into Robert Pattinson dressed full on looking like Edward Cullen please be give him my blog address... Thank you.


Talon said...

yeah first comment,
hey cruz, I am a member of shadow's flock (actually I am Shadow's brother) but you know one of our members Ace :( but you should totally follow my blog too.
From Talon

Anonymous said...

Errrr, disturbing image. Thanks it's stuck in my head now forever, AH! There it is again! Oh well, HAPPY HALLOWEEN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Aurora said...

TELL HIM MY Blog too!

^^ I love edward cullen now!

Aurora xD

Storm said...

whee i'm the fourth!! just tell him 'hi' from storm. and that he has seven days to live. no, i'm just kidding, but tell him to give MY blog to jasper. (
wow. that guy (#1) scares me. like, REALLY scares me.

Cruz said...

Talon: Sure.

ChocLvr: Even more disturbing, my DAD e-mailed me this pic with the caption... Don't take candy from strangers!

Aurora: YAY! I(heart)Edward. too.

Storm: Jasper, really? wouldn't alice know? days to live