Monday, August 17

Cruz's Birthday

Ok, so unless you're a complete idiot, you've figured out that it is indeed Cruz's birthday today. I would be leaving this post to her except that its doubtful that she'll get on today, considering it is her birthday. So just leave a happy birthday comment. I would post more but i still have AP Bio homework to do by tomorrow and i haven't exactly started yet. So just comment and stuff and im sure Cruz will be around to say something by tomorrow

Friday, August 7

My Rocket Has No Brakes Dx

Cruz here ^^ and um random title... I saw that somewhere and it made me laugh, cause it made me think of Jackass 2 where Johnny Knoxville was on the rocket XD

Can you believe that??? Dx I'd be pissed...I wonder if the mom sided with the student or with the teacher with the whole undermining authority thing.... makes me think of the crazy shit Cory dealt with from that one teacher last year lol .......and to offset that school pic above, this one below =D wowza lol

what's new with me? not much... I've been off work for 2 weeks, unpaid but oh well... I ate Olive Garden the other day, it was YUMMY! the day I had school registration... that's right, I'm going to stay in school, bleh... its a deal I made with my dad... I still get to move out tho WooHoo, however I have to get my diploma and not my GED.... but still moving out! however my apt not far from my house v.v .... do you guys notice a lot of "howevers"... yeah that's the way deals with my dad go =/

My VERY good friend Boldizar has a blog----> HERE ... yes very is in caps cuz he really is a VERY good friend, he is .... ummm.... very different, but in an awesome way XD , just a heads up... I think we logged 2200 something cell minutes last month =O.... I talk too much LOL and don't even get me started on txts... I txt ALOT and its really hard not to text talk when I'm typing lol even at this moment, I'm having to control myself lol

hmmmm now I want marshmallows!!!!! NOW! right now! *sad* no one brought me any ]= *sighs* anyway *hugglsnugglz all around*