Tuesday, March 17


Responses to Comments ^^
White Forrest: OMG! that's so funny your guy from Texas (don't judge us Texans on this lol) but yeah there are some weirdos out there, guys on Gaia sometimes just walk up to your little avatar and start humping you. I don't know whether to laugh or yell at them, so I just run away lol XD
SONIC!!! hi ^^ no one is being attacked by coconuts, Girl who could fly just has issues with all tropical fruit, and plus she's "slightly" insane, and oddly enough, one of my best friends XP lol
InsaneKlutz: don't be embarassed, but YES! be random, we love randomocity at this blog ;)
Nixx: now I will forever be known as Chizzle El Grande! lol and wow kitteh conspiracy theory, interesting... hmmm... very possible as well
Levi: thankies ^^ I thought they were funny
Gandalf: too much feelings huh? *runs and tackle-hugglfies Gandalf* ROFL!!! come on people! Gandalf needs love! GROUP HUGGLZ! lol XD
Dibsy: aww boy trouble too? I think it might hurt more if you're younger because everything is new, kinda the first cut hurts the deepest kinda thing (altho no cutting involoved it's a metaphor.. or is it? I'm horrible at English, you people know that XP) and I'll e-mail if you want to know but it's no big deal lol
AURORA!!!! *super-hugglz back* OMG! it feels like it's been freakin forever girl, I think cause I've been posting less -.- but thx for sneaking on and OF COURSE no one here will tell you were on >.<
Girl: I honestly don't know how to respond to all that comment(s) lol *speechless* lol
Claire: OMG! I love my blog too! rofl... welcome ^^

Relationships are too complicated, so I found a site that will calculate your love match in a percentage HERE hmm I got 32% with my current bf -.-

I also found another test, this one asks a deep thought provoking question.... how do you eat your oreo cookies? I want everyone to answer and then the next post I'll post what your answer means ^^ choose one

1. The whole thing all at once

2. One bite at a time
3. Slow and methodical nibbles, examining the results of each bite afterwards

4. In little feverous nibbles

5. Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee...)

6. Twisted apart, the inside, then the cookie

7. Twisted apart, the inside, and toss the cookie

8. Just the cookie, not the inside

9. I just like to lick them, not eat them

10.I don't have a favorite way because I don't like Oreos

POLLS!!! OMG! look at the poll results so far... 88% of people (16) so far think you can fall in love without ever seeing the other person... awwww hopeless romantics! XP that is kinda sweet tho, I put that poll up, NOT FOR ME, just so you know I've still never been in love -.- but for others I know on Gaia and blogger that are dating and are in love, so I was curious what everyone else thought. And it seems we have quite an age range with followers but like 70% are 14-17 cool to know.
And now some St. Patty's Day pics for my mear amusement! da doggie is gween O.O!!!


Nixx said...

first of all...WOO FIRST COMMENT!

second of all...WOO MAX RIDE IS OUT!

third of all...WOO I VOTED "MAYBE" ON THAT POLL!

fourth of all...WOO I EAT OREOS LIKE A 6!

fifth of all...WOO CHIZZLE EL GRANDE!

sixth of all... umm... hi?

seventh of all:

Gandalf said...

"Never underestamat the LAW OF THE DALEKS!"

Nixx:I am soooooooooooooooo exsitied that Maximum Ride is out.

Levi said...

I eat oreos one bite at a time. ^_^

Oh, and happy St. Patty's day.

Dibsy said...


lol? XD bleh and more bleh! this love calculator thing is shtupid, da boy i <3 is so little with me and is like 100% with my bff lol... (but i guess thats true...waa...)

Anonymous said...

i dont et orios

Dibsy said...

how can u hump someone on gaia? :O

Technicolor Nail Polish said...

OMG I LOVE WHAT THEY DID TO THE POODLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

White Forest said...

all at once!!! but i put peanut butter in the middle of mine befores i inhale it hahahahah :)

ima dork ima dork ima dork!!


btw everyone i haves a new blog, just so's ya knows :)


Cruz said...

Dibsy! goto Cory's blog, sorry other people's it private, and in the comments of his post, I left ya a web address to visit ^^ come and comment on THIS post after you see it please >.<

and OMG!!!! Levi I'm screaming jealous!!!!!!!!!!!! you already read MR5? *screams* don't tell me what happens? wait! tell me! *covers ears* no no spoilers! NO! I MUST KNOW!! *cruz dies* lol

Dibsy said...

awww, your pretty! XD

Dibsy said...

Heeeey! I made a new blog and it's private!!! Xd I invited you and everyone else on blogger whom's email I know! Accept the invite!!! XD

Sonic said...

MR 5 is out?!? No! dont tell talon! I dont think he even new it was being worked on yet!

Cruz said...

Nixx: I kept laughing!! and eighth of all: umm i dunno hey! is that how you spell eighth? I wish comments had spell check >.< LOL

Gandalf: law of daleks? O.o this what I hear "blah of the blah blah" you know I have no idea what you're talking about =p

Levi: *glares* still jealous over here!

Dibsy: results will be in the next post, so no one cheats, and they hump you on gaia cause you can change your avi position from kneeling to standing and if you move the keys fast enough it looks like it's humping lol I can't believe I'm explaining this haha, it looks so funny, but like i said I run! lol and thankies for saying I ish pwetty *blushes*... and I'll go accept the invite right now

Cory: WTF? you're weird. O.o

Alex: I know! gween poodle! ^^

White Forest: peanut butter? I've NEVER-EVER-EVER heard of that lol and cool new bloginess YAY!

Sonic: sowwee I told him this morning, we we're chatting >.< lol

Gandalf said...

You shall be Exterminated for underestamat the LAW OF THE DALEKS
Really!?!?!Do they theach you nothing in that school!!!!

Cruz said...

lol I know right? first, video games now this >.< lol

Dibsy said...

No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score
And why do we like to hurt, so much?

I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here
Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here
I still try holding onto silly things, I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Pain, make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting
If I ever start to think straight
This heart will start a riot in me
Let's start, start, hey!

Why do we like to hurt so much?
Oh why do we like to hurt so much?

That's what you get when you let your heart win!

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Now I can't trust myself with anything but this
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Sonic said...

shadow told me that the book was coming out soon and we were going to see how long it took talon to hear about it. but that doesnt matter. I gotta read it!

Anonymous said...

i thought i didnt have to comment because cruz died after my uber-long comment containing every barney song and most of "the curse of the black pearl"

but i was wrong!

hi cruz

Eysiel said...

Luv the pot of gold fail. Funny! Toodles!


Jordaniya778 said...

Hahahahahaha, I loved all of them. Happy belated St. P's day. Oh and I have the 5th MR book!!!

Cruz said...

No I didn't die Salom lol *hugglz you*

and OMG! Jordan! girl I haven't heard from you in forevah!!!

Aurora said...

Well for the Oreo's thing I like to eat my oreos by taking one bite at a time or opening it up, eat the inside then the outside. or just eating the whole thing at once, it depends on how many cookies I have xD lol,

talk to chu later :3!!

Aurora *SUPA HUGGLZ to everyone =D!!*

byez x3