Wednesday, February 4

Get Crazy with the Cheez Wiz

that's a quote from a song called "loser" by Beck lol I love songs with crazy lyrics! and half the song makes NO SENSE! lol why is this centered? idk lol

I haven't been neglecting my blog!... it's just I wrote a post yesterday and I didn't post it... why? because I was just having a bad day and I was ranting... but then I thought, why waste the post, it's already drafted.... how do I rescue my boring depressing post? MADLIBS! lol yeah I'm turning it into a madlib if you guys want to help me... the more random the suggestions the better!

I need:
1- unlikely name of class
1- famous name
6- adjectives (describing words... defining adj just in case lol)
2- types of food
1- number
1- size
1- noun
1- type of clothes

and I'll pick the funniest that fit the story if I get enough suggestions... hopefully.... so recommend one or two words *big puppy dog eyes* puh-leez

okay I might change my name on here, I'm waiting to see what a friend of mine wants to name me before I decide, kinda nervous to see what he decides lol.... and I thought of changing my Gaia name too... oh and some funny names I've seen on Gaia avatars: "My Dog Farted" "The Crayola Murder" and "Emo Cupcake" lol... that last one's cute though (^.~)

and now.... random pics of license plates... the last one is soooo MINE! XD


Sonic said...

did I seriously? 1st post!!

Gandalf said...

I thought relised you loseing side so you abandoned your post and fleed...but if not today then on the marro.

Cruz said...

yay Sonic!!! and Gandalf! losing? losing? who's losing? not the fangirls! WE ROCK!!!

Nixx said...

well, i dont have anything important to do, so here are suggestions for EVERYTHING (except the unlikely name of a class. i didnt know what u wanted for that one):

famous name: Michael Jackson

adjectives: putrid, idiotic, insane, epic, intense, and purple

food: tacos, hummus

number: 3,951

size (i didnt know whether u wanted weight or height, so i put both): height: 3' 2" weight: 253 tons

noun: chair

clothes: sombrero


Dibsy said...

1- Micheal Jackson
6- yellow, weird, dibby, yummy, finger-lickin good, double cool with knoba
2- dog, tongues
1- 7
1- burger
1- speedo

Talon said...

name: Alton Brown
Adj: prick, delicious, annoying, Beautiful, geeky, fat
Food: baked alaska and mocha torte, baklava, gyro sandwich, PB&J, and potato-wrapped halibut with sauteed spinach. (so much food couldn't decide)
number: 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
size: 13"
noun: Ace
clothing: chef coat

Cuppy said...

XD supercalafredulliticexpealadocious!!! XD

Dibsy said...

cuppy: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!! lol just wanted to correct. :P

Technicolor Nail Polish said...

lol i luv the licsense plates

Anonymous said...

2 types of food, uhhh. Spaghetti Taco and Green Eggs and ham. Lol.
Awesome posts. No seriously, they are amazingly INTENSE.


Sonic said...

yes! use hummus. I knew talon would give you a bunch of food. And intense-cause were camping. (everytime I hear that word I think of that pun)
size: squat
#: 42 (the meaning of life)
clothes: MONSTER HAT
noun: a pet rock
adjectives: emo-ish, (ah ha I'll google a random word generator) identical, wealthy, reduced, geological, nursing, intact. one too many adjectives. that was easy.
famous name: Arnold Schwarzennegar-did I spell it right?

iggy said...

XLLLLL... how's that for size? dante's in the film society at his school and they're ordering t-shirts for the club and that's one of the size options available. i cracked up when he told me that all the members combined still wouldn't be big enough to fit it. for the famous name you could use gerard way (brandon's musical hero), and for clothes you could use dog collars (they really chafe the neck). hope this helps =D by the way, those license plates are hilarious. and did someone say spaghetti tacos? cause those are totally from icarly (yes i watch it.)

Talon said...


Skye said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I'M TOO LATE!!!!!!!! Dibsy stole my word :(

LOL! As soon as I saw the post, I thought of putting in supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as a suggestion.

Hmm... here's one word you could use for a few of those....


or yeeper, yeepity yeepers, yeepy, yerp, yeepity yeep!


Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly

Dibsy said...

(hugs girl who could fly) v__v

White Forest said...

seriously, i dont know how im put up with, all this blog ditching, its just not healty... :)

Shadow said...

class-The science of manga
adj-Yellow, Prick, Smart, Funny, Beautiful, and Talented
food-Stir fry, and waffles