Thursday, November 6

AHHHHHHH! I just realized...


yeah well i'm skipping school on tuesday (with a few friends), and no doubt hundreds of girls will be, too. I figure i'm already grounded right? I'm sooooo excited. ok squealing girl time over.
so my friend, i won't mention names *coughs*Storm*coughs* made a joke about my "driving skills" and i thought it was funny, so i guess i'm over it and rereading my post about it, i kinda feel pretty stupid. here's the cliffnotes version for those of you that don't know I accidently scraped the back door of my mom's car against a pole at the drive thru when i was trying to turn and here was my reaction after i saw the damage quoting from earlier post:

"my first instinct is to get back into my car, take some napkins out of the glove box, wet them someone's bottled water (idk who's) and I start scrubbing the dented and scraped area! I KNOW... I'M A FREAKIN' GENIUS!!! I have noooo idea why this is my first reaction... and you might have guessed by now, nothing happened to the dent besides get some dirt off."

yeah i know i'm an idiot! but like i said i find it funny now so i guess i'm over it, wish my grounding was over too, but unlikely anytime soon.

So in tribute i thought i'd post some funny car pics


Anonymous said...

What happened to all those cars? Jeez.

Storm said...

i got annoyed at them...
and it wasn't a JOKE, it was a COMPLIMENT!!! your driving skills are deadly!!
and robert pattison will do edward NO justice. although he is hot.

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahha i still like that butt grabbing poll lol

griffinrider said...

those car pictures are interestng. how did that pancake one happen?!?! how did any of them happen!?!?!

Cruz said...

ChocLvr/Griffinrider: I have no idea!

Storm: I guess it will help during the battle, huh? and I don't think any guy alive could do Edward justice (he's like God-like in the books) but yes Robert Pattinson is HAWT!!!

Cory: It's NOT a butt grabbing poll, it's a BAD pick-up line poll, as in B-A-D, not ADVICE; so I will not be held responsible for any personal injury you might incure if you try it in real life, although IF you do... I want to hear how it went so I can have a good


Storm said...

and fyi if ANYONE does that to me they will never type again. actually... they'll probably be breathing through a tube... in australia.
and about the cars... i got... angry.
cruz: now all we need to do is get you a TANK!!

PhilO♥ said...

Just saw your blog ! it's nice !! es. the polls :)

iggy said...

ha ha thats how my ar would probably look if i let one of the cubs borrow it. which i wouldnt, since its a shelby 500 in alomst mint comndition. almost cause the backseat has been used quite frequently over the last week or so, if you know what i mean...

Ace said...

vote for Talon on shadows blog

Devin said...

I like the one with the checklist... Storm: Don't get any ideas!

Storm said...

heh heh...
i am NOT responsible for my actions! i had a troubled past... I BLAME THE MEDIA!!!! AND THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!
and balmung... too late!!
is what i wish i could tell you, but i don't have a car. don't have my drivers' license, either. but i DO have on that i keep in my back pocket! it's... not going to be talked about. here.
buh-BYE now!!

Cruz said...

Storm: A TANK!?! I think you're starting to be an influence on me, because that kinda sounds like fun. hehe... yes TANK!

B-fulbroken: hey, what a coincidence i like my blog, too. just kidding, thanks for your comment

Iggy: haha yeah i get it

Ace? actually i think this is talon on ace's name... hmmm... anyway it doesn't matter i already voted and it wasn't for either of you. haha

BALMUNG!!! i can't believe you came to my blog! YAY! so unexpected, thanks.... look what you did, now Storm has something in her pocket and it's probably something that can go BOOM!

Gandalf said...

Haha but i can "HAHA" later PATTERSON WHEN?! WHERE?! TELL ME!

Storm said...

i influence you... mwahaha...
and tanks are fun no matter WHO has them. although they're more fun if they're on OUR side. and the thing in my back pocket doesn't go BOOM, its just a checklist!... the think that goes BOOM is in my FRONT pocket. and many other places, too. heehee GUNPOWDER!!!!
and YAY BALMUNG!!!!!!!!! hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oop!
sorry, i have to return to my homeworks nao! i gots a group project and someone's looking over ma shoulda!! i will post later! *hugs everyone and passes out sugary treats*