Tuesday, November 25

A bunch of stuff mooshed together...

GANDALF! I didn't mean romantical I'M 5 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU!! Wow... I feel old... and the sad part is, I think you're smarter than me because I don't understand half the stuff you say. :p

Salom, That's weird...did the scientists take away your ability to like cupcakes... giving you wings is one thing but not liking cupcakes well... that's just WRONG! and I will happily accept any cupcakes you have hoarded if you'd like to give one someday...

Cuppy! How can you say chocolate cupcakes are that good? THEY'RE AWESOME! and you're still in school? Do you get off for thankgiving? I know you're from Canada and to be honest idk a lot about Canada. but HI!

Storm and Aurora both really stepped up to help Dibsy when she was crying *looks left then right* but seeing as she's not here, maybe we should ALL enjoy these sweets before they go bad... Salom? do you like caramel shorties? and WOW lots of Starbucks (note to self: Keep away from Storm)

Silvertip... Aurora and I are good Bandaids!

Alex... ummm... yeah I'd be scared if I was you... but sooooo funny!

Iggy... I got nothing else to add, you're probably tired of me congratulating you... sooo... congratulations! LOL

Storm... "explat" I've defined it... the sound an EX-boyfriend makes when he hits the bottom of an elevator shaft... whatcha think? too violent? and NO I don't have a grudge against one of my exes *mutters* two-timing pile of .... umm where was I? right posting...

BALMUNG! what? Storm yelled it , and I wanted to yell it too. and what to get as tattoos? hmmm.... Storm thinks we should vote on it, whatcha think? *thinks* idk

Spazzy! YAY! Spazzy's happy again... and I still can't get over it ....4 Thanksgivings *cruz runs and gets fork* Let's Go! awww wait... I can't go I have to help my Mom cook at my house, *sighs* well you go have fun with your 4 dinners...

So my house is where EVERYONE comes to Thanksgiving dinner (actually we have it for lunch time and then eat again at dinner, is that weird?) and yours truly *points to self* has to help cook, I hate cooking and it wouldn't be that bad but we have to start Wed night and we have 2 turkeys and a ham, the sides don't take that long, but the desserts do (Mom likes everything made from scratch!) Not looking forward to seeing my gma, she's really old and insists on pinching me, not my cheeks, my hips my shoulders anywhere to tell me "I still have baby fat" UGH! I'm a size 6 and I don't think I'm fat, but no one would dare argue with gma, if she says the moons neon green then the moon is neon green. I am looking forward to seeing my cousin, he's awesome (he's in band and he's a skater WEIRD COMBO)even though he's only 14 he acts older and we get along really well, he's my fave cousin, I've quite frequently told my uncle I'd trade my 2 brothers for my cousin, but he always says no, I don't blame him. So with a full house and idk if I can get on tomorrow but I'll try. Happy Early Turkey Day!

These were just funny pics...


Werewolf Angel said...

ok so i just found this blog and i need something clarified.

here it goes...

why are the people posting on this blog?? I mean why are there little excerpts with the people talking?? i've read aurora and storm's blogs (or is it blog) (r they doing a blog together??)
anyway, y and how are aurora and storm showinf up on here??

ok i sound really dumb, but i can't find the answers to my questions anywhere on this blog. will you pleaz answer them??

btw, i HATE chocolate, cupcakes, pie, and pretty much sugar in general (and i don't have diabetes i just don't like those things)

pleaz don't kill me!!!

i'm starting to ramble, gotta go!

Gandalf said...
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Gandalf said...

I knew what you ment, cuz that would be so weird if you loved me!But what's not to love. Anyway thanks for saying I'm smater then you.
Lok re gar
Thrall Halfelven

Technicolor Nail Polish said...

POOR KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why cant people respect kitties!?!?!
I mean, i may be a loup but i still like kitties. They can hurt people!! So why hurt the kitty? why? why?? WHY?????

Dibsy said...

Kitten abuse! DX Lol jk!!

Oh wowzie wow thish ish a colorful post...

Anonymous said...

enough with the Salom impersonation please.

Spazzy said...

Lolz...kitty cat surrenders! DONT SHOOT!!!

Cuppy said...

hahah. in canada thanksgiving is in October. lol.

Storm said...

werewolf angel: we do comments like this one and she replies to them in posts. we do the same on our respective blogs. and no, i do not do a blog with aurora.
CRUZ!!!!: YES!! all must try the caramel shorties! and do the caramelldansen FOR them!!! *gets out stereo and hand hovers over 'play' button* and as to the starbucks... ^^ too late!! (what?! i only had three!!) and no, i do not think 'explat' is too violent. actually, i think it's just the right LEVEL of violence! good for you!!! (oh god i think i'm rubbing off on you!!) that would be interesting... a world full of storm-similars AND I WOULD BE THE LEADER OF ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!! but you can be my second-in-command. with balmung. if he stops ignoring me *sniff* BAAALLLLLMMMMUUUUUNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! *runs over to cruz and sobs hysterically*
*sniff* so you have to make thanksgiving dinner? i do too... except i'm JUST making desserts (all from scratch of course). hmm... how to get a (semi-) well-balanced thanksgiving dinner.... can i crash your dinner? i'll bring lots of desserts!!! and your gma can pinch ME! i'm like a size three or four, do you think she'll say I'M fat? i really don't care, but yeah. and your cousin seems AWESOME!!! will his band play? what does he do in the band? does he play guitar? sing? I'LL PERFORM WITH HIM!!!!!!!! woah, that would be interesting... sorry just picturing myself standing on the dinner table with someone's cousin. BUT I WOULD DO IT!!!
the word thing's 'dricipsu'... that will have a cool definition.
and i think that my comments the longest i ever did. YAAY!!!!