Wednesday, November 26

Okay Scotty, very funny... now beam down my clothes...

Random Title XD...
Okay, so Storm clarified my blog on last comment tread (Thanks Storm!) but in case you didn't see it I'll explain it further.
1. I'm Cruz and I'm the ONLY ONE that writes on this blog
2. This blog is about ME!! funny stuff I find, me ranting about my life, etc.
3. When I include other blogger's names in my post, they're not speaking nor am I impersonating anyone, I'm responding to comments they left me on the last post
Sorry about the confusion, I have a few new followers and I didn't think to explain it because all my older friends already know I'm responding to them SORRY! ... to avoid further confusion I'll write "Responses" at the top of responses, I try to respond to ALL my comments, and I make them different colors, well... just to make it pretty :)

Responses to Comments...
Werewolf Angel: Sorry for being so confusing, and Aurora and Storm show up A LOT in my posts because they're my closest friends in the world of bloggage. I've seen you before (not in PERSON that'd be weird... online) , I think we follow some of the same blogs. Thanks for following my blog!.... YOU DON'T LIKE SWEETS!?!...o.O... no we won't kill you, quite the opposite, we welcome you, that means more sweets for US!.. lol
Gandalf: Like my Title?
Beth: YAY! *starts dancing with you*
Alex: I like kitties too!! They're so cute!
Dibsy: (note to everyone: Dibsy DID get her sugary sweets and she IS feeling better-- thanks to Aurora and Storm!) I like colorful posts... and PINK! I love pink... yeah I'm a girly girl :p
Rybon! You came to my blog! thx for commenting, sorry for the confusion... are you feeling better?
Cuppy: Thankgiving in October? I missed it! ugh... I'll double up on dinner on Thursday to make up for it!
Spazzy!! HI! I read your profile question... MY GOODNESS MIKE! WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS!?! ROFL.... that answer was hilarious!
Storm! Thx for splanation..YES! caramel shorties for dancing? *starts dancing* oa oa oh!... AHHH NO STORM NO STARBUCKS!!....yay for EXPLAT...poor Storm Balmung won't dance *puts arm over Storm shoulders comfortingly*...well-balanced Thanksgiving dinner just made of desserts *thinks* OH I KNOW! you make the desserts in the SHAPE of a healthy food, like brocolli shapes cookies would be healthy. No? could come over for dinner, but you don't know where I cousin is AWESOME! he plays guitar, but in his school band he plays saxophone, I took a picture with it once and it looked like I was playing it, when really I have NO CLUE! awww but sad, he's discovered girls he was texting for 3 hrs last night. I don't like being ignored so I hid his cell phone HEEHEE he thinks it was my youngest brother... that girl will get over it... now he's fun again! although I don't think we'll be performing on the table.... and good! my gma can pinch you! and not me! *big hugglz cuz I won't talk you tomorrow* YAY! LONG COMMENTS!
BALMUNG!! start dancing! Look what you're doing to Storm! and hey you and I are second in command! COOL

okay so I don't think I can get on tomorrow, family day and all... so I leave you with a few of the world's most troubling questions to ponder....

1. Can it be a mistake that "stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts"?
2. Why do people point at their wrist when they ask what time is it? I KNOW where my watch is. Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?
3.Before the light bulb was invented, what showed on top of people's heads when they got and idea?
4. What do birdies see when they faint?
5. On signs that say "seeing eye dogs only" who's suppose to read the sign? the dog?
6. Where do they get the seeds to plant seedless watermelons?

hmmm... thought provoking aren't they... I'll come back as soon as I can. Have a HOLLY JOLLY TURKEY DAY (wait that's the wrong holiday saying *shrugs shoulders* o-well it works) *BIG HUGS*


Gandalf said...

HAHA I love that title!So dose that mean you've seen Star Trek?

Cruz said...

I started to, but got interrupted because I'm not suppose to be on computer... glad you liked the title! LOL

Anonymous said...


Gandalf said...

THAT'S GREAT!!!!!DO YOU LOVE IT!!! How are you whaching it

Storm said...

great idea... thanks for the hugglz. i gie you WHOLE BATCH of caramel shorties! just let me do ONE thing.
*walks through door that just appeared* *smashes, impacts, and small explosions are heard* *storm, slightly dirty, comes out with a big plate of caramel shorties* *closes door on unconscious-Sonar* what? *shrugs* i couldn't get 'im away from 'em... heh heh.
*dances with cruz*
WHEEE!!!!!!! *grabs gandalf and makes him dance too*

Gandalf said...


Storm said...

you will... *insert evil laugh here*
here, have a caramel-shortie-that-i-did-not-spike!!
what? there's nothing wrong with 'em! *takes big bite*
O.O...... WHEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heygandalfwhatchadoinletzdance!!!!!! *puts on cramelldansen and double speed*

Gandalf said...

Nothing in this world will make me dance!!I can make you into a newit!!And I thought that was a joke you REALLY eat that stuff!!!how can you?!?!Just give me raw meat and/or cacrochs live and scrwernig.Oh and why are you danceing?It's not logical

Technicolor Nail Polish said...


Gandalf said...

Oh fine

Dibsy said...

you're a genius. and i thank you for the sugary sweets. what do you want for christmas, btw?

Storm said...

gandalf- howzabout i just hit you with a meteor til you dance then? (sorry, in a mafia-mood)
and if you make me a newt i will climb into your water filter and secret poison.
what stuff? you mean sugar? hee, i LIKES sugar....
dibsy- merry christmas!!
cruz- *sniff* GANDALF'S NOT DANCING AND BEING MEAN AND BALMUNG DISAPPEARED AND THE RUM IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *breaks down sobbing uncontrollably and reaches out pathetically for hug*