Wednesday, January 14

Does that make me CrAzY?

So I've been really busy lately, and now I'm going to be even busier. Why?..... Because I HAVE A JOB!!! *everyone boooos* I know! I don't want to grow up! So I goto school half a day(as most of you know) and now a job on top of that, so much for the easy life....It shouldn't be hard, I'm going to be working in a print shop, making copies, cashiering, and whatever else. Ugh I start tomorrow, I'm so bummed. I have to work or I get kicked out of my Comm/Wk Class and have to goto school all day. Which I rather work than school and bonus I'll make money, *grumbles-not much-grumble* but it's better than school where I make none. lol I'll try to keep up with the blog, but we'll see. I considered deleting the blog, but then decided against it and wait to see how I handle everything.
poor Gandalf *shakes head* he's getting tackle-hugs from several girls... poor Gandalf... WAIT! is that a bad thing? hmmm maybe secretly he LIKES the hugglz *giggles* maybe?

Do you hear that? That's the sound of my sanity slipping away... so here's a list of ways to keep a healthy level of insanity...

1) At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2) Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.
3) In the memo field of all your checks, write 'for sexual favors.'
4) Adjust the tint on your monitor so that the brightness level lights up the entire desk area. Insist to others that you like it that way.
5) Dont use any punctuation
6) As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
7) Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer.
8) Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
9) Put mosquito netting around your desk. Play a CD of jungle sounds all day.
10) Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend the party because you're not in the mood.
11) When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I Won!", "I Won!""3rd time this week!!!" 12) When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "Run for your lives, they're loose!"
13) UsE RAnDoM cAPiTaliZaTiON iN EvEryTHiNg YOu wrITe
14) "Hi-lite" your shoes. Tell people that you haven't lost your shoes since you did this.
15) Follow delivery men around in pure James Bond style, but make it very obvious.
16) Whenever you answer the phone, do so in a french accent, and slowly change it to a Japanese accent.
17) When the someone starts talking to you, open and drink a bottle of ketchup.
18) Put those hole reinforcing circles on the center of you eyeglasses. Insist they were made that way
19) Have races in the corridors with chairs that don't have wheels on them
20) Hold open automatic doors for people.
21) Threaten to jump out of a ground floor window.
22) Replace the mouse with a real mouse.
23) Drive to school and walk back.
24) Ask to borrow a pencil, snap it in front of their face, ask for another
25) Wear socks on the outside of your shoes.
26) Hang a two-foot long piece of toilet roll from the back of your pants and act genuinely surprised when someone points it out.
27) Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say,"Sorry, I really prefer it this way".

Any other suggestions? and since we were talking about wanted here's cool pics of stuff getting shot... *hugglsnugglz to EVERYONE*


Nixx said...

I am so chicken amazing. i got first comment like 3 times in a row man! anyway, this time i actually read the post first, giving everyone a fair chance. so anyway, im glad nobody's giving me random "hugglz". i would really dislike that. I feel deeply sorry for you Gandalf. haha. umm, and i do most of the things on that list already, so i guess my level of insanity is healthy. Nice pics of stuff being shot, cruz.


Beth said...

AAH! so close to being the first person to comment!

loved the list, i especially loved the hair dryer one. i'm soooo gonna do that!

Nixx said...

from now on, im going to do numbers 7 and 24 just to annoy people and make them feel bad. muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! i still feel sorry for u gandalf. at least it was you, and not me...


Nixx said...

oh, and to response to all those comments on the last post...i am a dude/guy/male. so, yea. i feel wierd now. wow. ive left 3 comments like in the last half hour, so i wont leave anymore until i feel like it again.

peace in the middle east, people...

Cruz said...

Nixx: lol yes you're chicken amazing! and idk what you're talking about, I give hugs to everyone at the end of my posts (including you) and you never complained before, you should be careful what you say or girls will start tackle-hugging you too! lol... and I'm not AT ALL suprised that you maintain a healthy level of insanity *^.^*

Beth: YOU SO SHOULD! and then post about it! lol

Nixx said...

o no, i dont mind hugglz once in a while i guess, but i just dont want to be all attack hugglized...

~Nixx left this comment

Anonymous said...

ha! *attack-hugglz nixx*
so THERE!!!!!!
omg did you get these at a website? i think i went to the same one!!

Nixx said...

o jeez. WHO ARE YOU????!!!!???

~Nixx is now hiding in the corner of the room, cowering in fear of the anonymous, attack huggling people

Anonymous said...

hey next time ill be sure to come with u when u get another hip tattoo =] lol
-sips tea-

Technicolor Nail Polish said...

Those pics at the end are awesome! They use a strobe light to see what it looks like when the bullet goes through!!!! It is like, majorly awesome!

Gandalf said...


Dibsy said...

LOL 21. XDXDXD GASP. What heartless animal would shoot crayons? DX

Cruz said...

Nixx: I warned ya! LOL

Anonymous: the internet knows ALL! and I get my stuff sent to me in e-mails too.

Cory: I would SO bring you with me next time! lol... and you're still not British Cory (^.~)

Alex: Really? I didn't know that! *hugglz*

Gandalf: lol... secretly I think you like it =D

Dibsy: I know! poor crayons!

Gandalf said...

Why would I love hugs.Hugs are not something to wast on an every day greeting.I do NOT like hugs.Ask Beth,now I've known her for 11 years and huged her 2 times!!I'M NOT A HUGER!!!!!I show NO fellings!
Live long and prosper

Anonymous said...

gandalf, showing feelings is neither macho nor cool. it is considered 'emo'. and generally, 'emo' is not a complimentary term.
cory: sorry, the only british person here is Storm. or, well, SHOULD be. i miss her...
to nixx: mwahaha.... *walks menacingly over to nixx's corner* OHMYFREAKINGGOD WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!?! *points off-camera, and when nixx looks away, attack-hugglz him again* hee hee!

Nixx said...

well ur nice, anonymous person. i know who you are...muhahahaha ok maybe not

and i dont like showing feelings either, so there.


Levi said...

That list was hilarious. And is it weird that I DO have an unnatural fear of staplers? Have I mentioned I also have a fear of coconuts?

I so want to do some of that though. Haha, hair dryer. XD

Gandalf said...

Anonymous:I promise you I am not emo but Volcin if you will.Now if you dont wach Star trek a Volcin is a ponity eared logical fellingles preson that has awesome eyebrows.My pic is Mr Spock a Volcin and a awesome one at that.

Nixx:You said you dont show fellings is that becuase you are a Volcin or do you just do it for the heck of it

Devin said...

I'm back! By the way, I do 14 already. Is there something wrong with that ;)

Devin said...

PS I forgot that you got a tattoo! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...



and also whats your job because apparently nobody else cares

Nixx said...

gandalf: just for the heck of it


Gandalf said...


iggy said...

ok, this post was extra cool cause it was funny and interesting. good going.

Kirsten Olesen said...

This was so funny!! And you're right it's importent to stay young even though you're growing up.
I once did something a bit like some of your suggestions. It was in a clothing store. I was hiding behind some clothes and a lady came looking at some of it. And behind the clothes I was whispering "Pick me, Pick me, Pick me". She was getting really confused and left the store.

Flea said...

you're random. i like you. maybe not random... but just... out there.

dang, i mean in a good way.

Aurora said...

*pokes Nixx with a twig* *watches him recoil than tackle hugglz him* MUAHAHAHA!!!! ._.

I love this post! I am SO going to do that hairdryer thing! Lol! and you got a job?!!! D: dat sucks... atleast you age though I mean it sucks sometimes being immortal! I will have a job for like 10 years or something (10 years to me is like 1month to you guys xD) and then have to quit because all my employeeze are old and I am exactly the same.. o.-.. suckish..

I went shopping with Ylvia yesterday! I got new skinny Jeanz and their black! and I got all these awesome clothes!!! :D!! (as you can see I don't shop often, its not really my thing x-x) Hopefully I won't go threw these clothes as much as I did last year, Oi Vai! Sorry for such a long post but Gabriel said I could be on the computer for today cause I brought my grade up to a B- in my English class!! =DD!! well I gotta go so I will talk to you all later!!! =DD!

LOVE LOTS! *Super hugglz cruz and then everyone else* :D :3!!,
Aurora =D!

Gandalf said...

Your right being immortle dose suck "I'm old enogh to know that a longer life isnt always a better one... in the end you just get tired

Cruz said...

I'll respond to rest of comment later *hugs* Cruz

Cruz said...

Gandalf: I didn't know that about Spock... actually idk ALOT about that stuff lol... and immortal too?!

Anonymous: *cruz still looking off-camera* what are we looking at? lol

Nixx: wow seems the girls now have aquired a new target lol

Levi: If you do try some of them, blog about it, I'd love to hear how people react lol

Balmung!!!!!!!! *super-sized hugglz* YOU'RE ALIVE!!! missed you don't stay away that long again! and thx

Salom: you're NOT going to SPU, but you were the only one that said I shouldn't delete my blog, thanks *hugs*

Iggy: where the heck have you been? that was a loooooonnnnnggggg honeymoon *giggles*

Kirsten: nice to meet you and thx for coming by

Flea: lol interesting name... and I totally get what you're trying to say... thanks

Aurora: I lub shopping! I lub skinny jeanz! I lub youz! lol *hugglz to pack*

Eysiel said...

Hair dryer one! HAR! And the race down a coridor with a chair that has no wheels...and does Gandalf like it? Huh? Does he? Just kiddin Fnick! TEEHEE! Here's a suggestion for the list:

Mispel alle ov yurr blogg postes. Ii doo itt alle tha tiem.


Eysiel said...

oh yeah...Dibsy, I totally agree. We shouldn't go around shooting crayons...they have feelings too! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
