Friday, January 23

I (heart) Slurpees

So sorry I've been falling behind on commenting on ya'lls blogs, forgive meh? *big anime eyes* puh-leez?!

Slurpee pic (actually I know it's snow cone, couldn't find cute slurpee one) is because I kinda embarrassed my lil bro at 7-11 yesterday because I asked the counter lady if I could taste-test the new slurpee flavor lol... idk why he was trippin.

Have you guys seen my avatar for Gaia? She's so cutey patootey! I've been upgrading lol I'm so girly, whenever I've changed her clothes, hair, anything I ask my friend Girl Who Could Fly how she looks lol my guy friends must think I'm nuts because I keep changing haha I know I know IT'S JUST A GAME *bonks head* but attire is important! at least to me lol... oh! hey you guys should go check her Flamex art pics at her pics blog HERE she wanted some feedback. Purtty puh-leez...

ZOMG! I read this really freaky story and it freaked me out and I liked it lol, it's not long, if you want to read it, it's called The Story of a Medieval Lunatic by door-knob-eating-carpet-licker, it's good. Umm what else? idk I'm bored!

OK so I've almost finished my first week at work, and I thought I should tell you guys some things I've learned... *ahem*

-Cardboard CAN give paper cuts

-A copier can runs thousands of copies SUPA fast, and if you put your hand inside one right after it has, all the metal parts are SUPA hot, stupid paper jams

-30 minutes isn't long enough lunch for me

-People always want more for less, or something for nothing

-Copier toner ink isn't liquid IT'S POWDER and it stains

-I can sincerely smile and nod my head while cussing someone out in my head (dang voices! not while I'm at work!)

-The newest employee gets the honor *dripping with sarcasm* of doing all the crappy, dirty, and most energy-consuming jobs.... I feel like the slave-kitty :( awww sadnizzz!!!

I'll survive =p I love my blog and meh bloggage fwiends, you always makes me feel better XD okay that's all that's new in meh life... *big hugglz to everyone* Lubs u guys!!!! *passes out freshly baked cookies with smiley faces on em*


Technicolor Nail Polish said...

I know how slave kitty feels. What is your job exactly? Is it at a really cool workplace? Ive only worked around chocolate......
Dont ask how that always happens

Talon said...

aww.....cute. snow cone cat
(using Talon's labtop. mines outta juice. re-charge at next wifi cafe.)

Salom said...


Nixx said...

i read this post before alex commented, but as i promised, i didnt leave first comment.

other than that, i dont have much to say. So. Yeah. ...



Anonymous said...

I LUB TEH SNOWCONE KITTEH!!!!!!! thanks a lot now i want a snowcone...
ohhh, poor slave-kitteh cruz... *hands BIG cookie with XD on it*
now better?
thanks for teh cookie!!!

*attack-hugs nixx* XP

Dibsy said...

(sniffs quietly)

(bites into cookie cruz had baked)

(flashes a thumbs up, a peace out sign, and walks away)

Technicolor Nail Polish said...

Wow Dibsy, that was random...

Cuppy said...

aww. being a slave wouldn't be cool or chizz at all!!!! *bakes you a big batch of cookies in return for the one you gave me* YAYZZ!! i swear cookies can cure all of the world's problems. i bet you anything. *hugglifiez!*

Anonymous said...

snow cone cat has colorful tongue lol...

and i keep hearing that person named door-knob-eating-carpet-licker everywhere and i dont know who that is!!!

and where do u work??? it sounds like a crap secretary job with a stuck up boss lol..

Alter Cosmos said...

*hugglz back to cruz* thanks, cool sno-cone cat..i wonder what flavors those were O.O lol. Where do you work? is it really all that bad? cause if it is well then that sucks big time. I work, but my job is really fun and my co-workers kick arse. It's just my boss who's a pain in the arse.

~Alter Cosmos~
-*Moonwalks into the sunset eating a giant taco*-

iggy said...

haha slave kitty.. im sure you'll think of something hilarious to those pesky customers

Eysiel said...

Sorry. I live with four cats, so I have a special bond with them...when they're not being pains in the butt.
TEEHEE! Great post!


Sonic said...

heh me talon and shadow have a weird thing going on where we keep emailing eachother funny kitten pictures.

Eysiel said...

That sounds kool. I hope that someday I will get first comment...I'll sit around all day in order to get it. I'll check this blog for new posts every three seconds.


Cruz said...

hey peoples!!! i did read all comments, I'll post tomarrow with responses... lol you guys are so funny... *super hugglz* lub u!

Anonymous said...

cool cruz. i wish i had something funny to say, but i dont. oh well.

by the way, this is nixx. i just dont feel like signing in....


Skye said...


Thanks for mentioning my post. :D

Sounds like you're having lots of fun at work. Can't be as bad as the work experience I did when I cut myself with a scissors that they only sharpened the day before when I was helping to open boxes. You can't always see it but I actually have a scar on the tip of my finger now from that and that was almost a year ago.

I pmed you on gaia with what happened on the chat. I'll let you know if anything else happens.

Got to go to bed in a minute 'cause it's after 11pm so I'll see you tomorrow maybe.

Okay, this comment isn't random enough so since I've got to go....

Auf wiedersehen!
Gute nacht!
Slan leat!
Bye bye!
See you later alligator!
In a while crocodile!
See you later!
Talk to you later!
Fly on!
Fly on forever!
Fly free forever!
Fly my pretties, fly fly!!!
um.... what else could I say.... I'll have to think hard about this one....



Aaaaaaah, that's better. Now my comment is random but funny enough! LOL!

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly