Tuesday, December 30

Watch Out! Gators Like Butt!

okay so last night, my aunt (from my dad's side, idk why that's important but o-well, I'm too lazy to backspace now so I'm leaving it) where was i? oh yeah my aunt and baby cousin (he's 4) came over to our house for like a belated Christmas dinner thing. She works at a hospital and apparently they don't close for holidays =p so she had to work Christmas and all weekend. So here we are, anyway, one of my cousin's presents was a V-smile video game (for ages 4-6). My lil bros (9 and 12) hooked it up to the TV in the den, to try to show him how to play it. Over the next half hour, all of us in the other room hear stuff like: OHHH! No! Go the OTHER way! Watch out! Gators like butt! and (my personal fave) Booya Hippo who's your daddy?! ...seriously. So my dad and I goto check on the boys, and both my bros are arguing over who's turn it is (it only comes with one joystick) and where's my baby cousin? playing peekaboo INSIDE the cardboard box the game came in. Merry Belated Christmas to him. lol

and ZOMG! My aunt brought over the best Chocolate pie I've EVER tasted! I don't remember the name of it, but it had the little Hershey's logo on the box....of course if Hershey's endorses it, it MUST be good. It really was... Chocolate= Heaven... just thought I'd point that out.
ummmm.... oh Dibsy, Soichiro is the 9 yr old cousin of Riyu, Riyu co-authors Save the World with me, Storm, Salom, Radar, Natty and Cuppy, and lots of the people, but I don't feel like naming them. Anyway that's a really good blog about environmental issues, for anyone who wants to check it out, link is on the side bar...okay and cute kitty pic is for The Wolves Rein pack cuz they're always talking about Pop-tarts lol isn't it cute?
speaking of blogs, I'm starting to follow some new ones...
Eclipse by Nixx(that we all know from comment tread, so funny)
SMUR by door-knob-eating-carpet-licker (awesome name! right?)
Liggy the Authoress by Beth (FOR FREAKIN FINALLY SHE GOT A BLOG!!!) we also know her from my comment tread and from Gandalf's blogs.

okay yeah so check those out.... ummm what else? oh! my other blog with my sis might be changed over to private, cuz it's getting kinda personal, so yeah just head's up, in case she decides to change that....

HEY! nobody answered my question! What the heck is apples to apples? I can't believe I was ignored on my own blog lol that' really sad lol
and now *drumroll* WEIRD illusion pictures!!! anyway *hugglz all around*


Salom said...


Salom said...
there is soichiro
and riyu
and most of all jess

Cruz said...

ZOMG!!! THAT'S HILARIOUS! why in the world would you do that? lol you must've been REALLY bored! lol... and btw I tried to comment on it and it wouldn't let me, but that was so funny, I laughed so hard. You're NUTS!

you don't intend to copy EVERY post do you? but hey maybe we could use the blog anyway for like a chat box or something, like together, I'd be willing to do something like that, if you wanted... idk just thinking... but yeah, I don't know where you come up with this stuff!

Thx for the cheer and laugh!!! Cruz

Dibsy said...

(watches illusions)


Gandalf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gandalf said...

Gandalf said...
Well Cruz Apples to Appes is a bord game and the rules are as fallows
1. The judge picks a green apple card from the top of the stack, reads the word aloud, and places it face up on the table.

2. Players (except the judge) choose the red apple card from their hand that is best described by the word on the green apple card played by the judge. Players quickly place these red apple cards face down on the table.
3.The judge then picks a card,chouses the one he thinks is best and that person that put donw the card gets the green one and who ever has like 7 i think it is wins.
Its a really fun game. I could tell you some weird and funny storys about it.Hope that helps

Skye said...


Here's the link for one of the funny bits with Robert de Niro in the movie Stardust.


Comment on my blog or something after you watch this and tell me if you believe me about him being a sissy in this movie, and if you got a shock seeing him act so different.

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly

Salom said...

apples to apples example:

green card

red cards
George Bush
empty shotguns

in this case Cher won
surprise surprise

i once won hilarious with Fat Bastard (from austin powers)

Salom said...

and cruz...
just one small problem...
you cant right on a blog if i dont know ur email

Dibsy said...

hiya! (waves)

Beth said...

*gasp* YAY! i was mentioned in cruz's latest post! i feel so honored! *claps hands*

Storm said...

i dunno, salom. the empty shotgun would be pretty annoying to me... although you COULD use it as a pretty good club... but ok.
BOO YAH HIPPO! WHO'S THE BIRDFREAK NOW?! oh wait its still me... ok LUBS YOU!!

oh, love the poll. i may just have to try a couple of these out... (i already did a couple others, like 'ask if a certain chapter's going to be on the test, and when the teacher says no rip it out of the book', and 'laugh hysterically whenever they finish a sentence. look around at everyone who's not laughing weirdly.'

Aurora said...

I can't comment right now but I will comment later! I am being screamed and yelled at for something I didn't do right now, by who other then Gabriel. Talk to you guys later! (Ill sneak onto Alex's laptop muahaha xD)

Love ya lots!, talk to ya later,
Aurora :3

c said...

Hey Cruz! Cool blog. Haha. That's so cute he's playing peekaboo inside the box. aww. I can just picture it. =D

I love optical illusions. =P

Anonymous said...

Hey Cruz,
Thank you so much for putting my blog name in your blog. I feel honored.

Cruz said...

to eberypeoples: i DID read all comments! all my wonderful comments from my awesomest friends! and I WILL respond to them next time, lub u guys!! *hugglz all around*

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! saying it now cuz I know for fact I won't be on later, maybe even tomorrow depending on how tonight goes.... heehee... again HAPPEEE NEW YEAR!!!

PS Storm... careful with the fireworks! please T-R-Y to be a good girl...

Nixx said...

sweet,youre followin my blog AND you listed it on ur post thingy AND u said i was funny!

Ur gonna make me cry!

O and Happy New Year ppl!!!


Dibsy said...

halla people! happy new year's!

Dibsy said...

it is i, dibsy. v.v

Dibsy said...

dis ish da last final change to my name for now! (because i realize its getting annoying lol)